More Than A Teaspoon Of Water- Beware!

An old adage states that you can drown in as little as a teaspoon of water.  Some don’t believe this is possible.  My research states that it is.  Their are more than a few types of drowning.  The most common three are wet, dry and secondary.  Wet drowning  involves being “in” water, taking as little as a teaspoon of water into your lungs without the ability to expel it would be considered dry drowning and secondary drowning according to Web MD occurs 1-24 hours after the initial incident.

I bring up this topic after hearing of two tragic events in our local news in 2 days. Water can be dangerous and not just for an unbalanced infant in the tub.  So I outline below the dangers of water in different situations and some best practices to implement if you aren’t using them already.

Bathtubs– Old and young alike need to be cautious with the standing water amounts in bathtubs.  During a fall even a small amount of standing water could be enough to drown.  Small children are at an even greater risk when they are unable to right themselves.  Not only should you be vigilant with a child in the tub, but extra cautious with multiple children bathing together as well.  Child supervision does not replace the watchful eye of an adult.

Pools–  I have lived with this “attractive nuisance” with small children and suffered many a nightmare as a result.  Your kids, the neighborhood kids and adventurous teens are all drawn to this backyard oasis.   Safeguarding against a tragedy means you need a good fence, a locked gate and clear rules for anyone at your house about pool use. It takes just a minute of distraction for a tragic accident to occur.  Summer had just begun for a local teen who drown in his apartment complex pool here last Tuesday.  He was 14, but could not swim.  Please be sure that your children are enrolled in regular swim lessons. Start them early and make sure that they master the skill.  You can drown at any age, but a swimmer always has a chance to save themselves.  I have heard from 2 moms recently that they had a close call with finding their child floating face down in a pool unattended- it is not something that I imagine you want to experience twice.

Also be sure to read the article How to Save Your Kid from Drowning from  I was amazed to find out that I was totally in the dark on what drowning looks like.

As I am writing this I saw a Facebook post looking to purchase a plastic kiddie pool.  Again, these are tons on fun, but do not leave small children unattended around them and if it is accessible to others dump it out between uses so no one else is at risk.

*I was always hyper vigilant with any babysitter who came to watch my children.   The sun porch could not be used in my absence as it held the door that led to the pool.  And I would only use the pool with another adult present while my children were in it.

Retention Ponds– Here is another attractive nuisance that seems to only be noticed when something horrible happens.  I understand that they serve a valid purpose, but those living and playing near retention ponds must be aware of the dangers.  I believe that working locks, additional locks or door alarms are needed if you have small children or someone mentally disabled and you live on or near a retention pond.  Your local drug store probably sells an inexpensive adhesive door system that triggers an alarm when the door is opened while activated.  You may not realize how important this is until you are searching for someone who is missing.  Save yourself and them by implementing this safety measure in advance.

Lakes– A unnecessary drowning happened last week on the lake where I live.  Lakes are fun to play on, but the laws that govern them are in place for a reason.  This recent tragedy could have been avoided if the boaters that were tubing had been wearing PFD’s (life jackets).

Children who can’t swim well should be wearing life jackets on the boat and when swimming at all times.  Please remember that lakes, unlike pools, mask what is below the surface with their deep and sometimes murky water. That can make jumping in dangerous and searching an even greater challenge.  I have battled this when my children were little and I understand the difficulty, but I am sure the struggle to implement this rule will be worth a life saved.

Summer fun has a lost of positives, but I just want us to all enjoy it safely.





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Friday Blog Series Announced!

I am typically an upbeat, lighthearted person. I am a glass half full kid of gal . I am also a self-proclaimed worrywart.  And realistically, I am also a person who understands that bad things sometimes just happen regardless of how much you plan against them.  As I daily scan social media and the news to stay abreast of local, national and global developments in my field I feel a calling to write about 6, less and pretty topics, that might make you think twice this summer or sometime in the future.


Each Friday I will focus on one topic that I gleam important from things I have seen in the world around me.  These blogs are meant to make you think and in some case make you change the way you might be doing things.  The topics might make you unsettled.  My goal is to shed light on a few issues and maybe improve a few outcomes.


You might wonder later how any of these topics might relate to BabyPlus?  The underlying connection between all of them will be that I chose to use BabyPlus during pregnancy to provide the best for my babies.  The issues in the blogs are a continuation of me wanting the best for my children and all of your children.  I want our children to have every opportunity to reach their full -potential.  Sadly, the issues I will cover sometimes keep that from being possible.


Please watch for my first blog in the series titled- More than a Teaspoon of Water- Beware!

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3 Common Customer Service Issues With Solutions You Can Try

I have spent much of the last month responding to customer service issues and reading online reviews of BabyPlus.  From what I have read I have compiled a list of the top three issues that are brought to us and the easy solutions.


#1 System just stops working after several weeks.

When the batteries are no longer strong enough to power BabyPlus a few things may happen.

  1. It will stop working altogether. It is not broken, just drained.
  2. The sound will distort as most battery operated talking devices.
  3. The screen will flash b01.

*Not all of these things need to happen, if any one happens- I suggest you replace the batteries.


#2 New batteries in, but no sound.

The BabyPlus System goes through batteries every few weeks.  (We are aware of this issue and are addressing it in the redesign.) The frequent changing of batteries sometime bends the battery contacts back to the point they are no longer making sufficient contact with the batteries to draw voltage.  The simple solution is to check the contacts and gently bend then slightly out into the battery compartment once again.  Once the batteries fit tightly to the contacts again the problem is likely solved.


#3 Stored with batteries and it corroded.

  1. First of all check the batteries. DO NOT THROW THEM AWAY! The top battery manufacturers guarantee their batteries and will replace items destroyed by corrosion. Here is the link where the contact information has been collected.
  2. You can try to clean the unit to see if it is repairable. If there is only slight corrosion this might be worth it. You will need cotton swabs, rubbing alcohol and a toothbrush. Start by gently brushing off the corrosion, then dip the swab in rubbing alcohol and rub the contacts clean. DO NOT SATURATE the system! Once the rubbing alcohol dries/evaporates, brush away remaining residue with toothbrush again. Now try with new batteries.
  3. If none of these suggestions work, contact us for a “previous user” code.

Sometimes things just break or don’t work and we understand that.  If you have tried these suggestions and your system still does not work, please contact us at

*We will need your order receipt and purchase date to expedite an exchange during the warranty period.

**BabyPlus does not have a repair department.

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4 Tips For Preparing For Your Baby’S Arrival

It has been not quite a decade since I gave birth the last time, but the impending arrival of Princess Kate’s second baby made me think back to when I was almost read to deliver. My four tips for an easy transition, I am sure still would hold true today. These are supposed to be the realistic list of things you might want to do before the big day. Not to be confused with the unrealistic list your hormones might have you generate- I truly believed that before my first arrived it was imperative that I wash and repaint all of the screens on my 1920’s house. This seemed even more ridiculous when I returned home with my baby to find that I had used the wrong paint color in my haste.

So with survival mode in mind I suggest you refer to my list or others that wrote before me or to make your list far in advance of those final days and weeks.


  1. Wash sleepers, bodysuits and bedding.

I would have all of the newborn items washed and ready to go and as much regular laundry caught up if you can. You will be amazed how much clothing you will go through with a newborn. Sometimes a diaper change gone bad can wipe out a bodysuit, sleeper and a changing pad all at the same time. *Avoid washing all the other larger clothing until you get a gage on your baby’s size and growth rate. You may need to exchange some items so keep those tags attached.

  1. Invest in double or triple bedding.

This might have been the best advice I ever received! I made the bed in layers with a waterproof mattress pad between each layer. This way middle of the night vomiting or explosions required only whisking away the soiled layer to the washing machine and cleaning up baby. Then everyone could get some rest and the clean-up could begin with the light of day.

  1. Stock up on foods you can prepare and eat with one hand.

This may not be the most health conscious plan, but a new mom has very little time to eat and simple items that I could prep and eat in 5 minutes made me feel successful on at least getting food in so I could function. Many a meal was eaten while breastfeeding and using a knife and fork was not an option.

  1. Buy a few pretty things to wear. And a lot of plain, inexpensive tops.

This tip is two-fold. On one hand you are hormonal when you return from the hospital, you are no longer pregnant, but most of us are also not back to prepregnancy weight or shape. For this reason I suggest that you have a few outfits that you feel good about yourself and comfortable in. They may include maternity jeans, or yoga pants, etc. Just remember that you deserve to feel pretty as you regroup and reconfigure after delivery.

The other suggestion took me living it to understand. Babies ruin your clothing! For whatever reason every shirt I owned ended up with weird new stains that did not wash out no matter what stain treatment I used. For that reason I suggest saving your favorite tops for special occasions and most of the time resorting to a more disposable wardrobe. Simple tees that you can toss when they don’t wash clean. Add a scarf and you still look complete.

Best wishes on your journey into parenthood!

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A Joyful Baby



It wasn’t until yesterday that I completely understood the impact that my daughter has on the world. She’s always been such a joyful, calm and alert baby right from the start, so I guess I’ve just grown accustom to it. Her joy radiates any room that she is in. And while we’ve always known that to be true and have always given thanks for that, yesterday was much different.

I received a phone call from the director of our care ministry at church. I lead a recovery group for teens and she wanted to let me know that one of my students had possibly overdosed and that he was in the ICU. So, I immediately gathered my co-leaders and we headed to the hospital. We got to his room and I sat my daughter, who was in her car seat, on the floor and went over by his bedside. We stayed in the room with the family for nearly two hours sharing stories and praying for this young man.

During this time, Avalyn didn’t make a single peep. Not one. Rather, she just sat contently in her car seat and smiled at everyone in the room. She literally brightened up this entire room. Each person in the room took turns making faces at her and getting her to coo at them. They just couldn’t get over what an incredibly good baby she was. And, I owe that to BabyPlus. It has had such a positive affect on her.

This young man was taken off of his ventilator a few hours later, but is still in the hospital. While we were in the midst of a tragic day, I’m so thankful that Avalyn could bring light into the darkness. It’s been so amazing to see the ways she’s impacted all those around her at such an early age.

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Now I Understand



I’ve always known people have used BabyPlus and have believed faithfully in this product. But, it wasn’t until I actually had one of my own that I could really understand how amazing it really is. Of course, I saw my fellow BabyPlus mammas and their little ones and the difference it made. I heard the rave reviews about how their children learned to walk, talk and read much earlier than other babies their age. But, then I had Avalyn and actually got to see it for myself!

I was recently on the BabyPlus testimony page of the website and noticed that one mom had written this:

Over the weeks and months to come everywhere we went people always commented on how alert and attentive she was – parents, doctors, nurses – everyone. Our daughter began “cruising” as they call it at 7 1/2 months and by 8 1/2 months was completely walking. She has reached all of her developmental and motor milestones on an average of 3 months earlier than expected and always a lot sooner than her peers.

I have seen the exact same results from my daughter and am looking forward to her walking (although I know it means constant running around for me). I can’t even imagine her being able to read but know that will be here before I know it. If you haven’t purchased your BabyPlus system, do it! I can promise that you won’t regret it!

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Encourage Your Baby To Move To A Rhythmical Beat

By Dorinne Davis


Have you ever thought about your body’s almost automatic response to move when you hear a specific kind of music?  Not all of us are the same so perhaps your preferred music to move to is Rock, or Country, or Rap, or even Classical.  Somewhere inside of you, your body’s desire to move to a beat triggers a response in your brain.  Your cells want to move too.


For the developing child, from in utero through early childhood the ability to move to a beat is linked to your brain’s response to speech.  In a study published in The Journal of Neuroscience, September 18, 2014[1][2], the brain’s response to speech was more consistent if the person was better able to move to a beat than those with less rhythm.  This movement helps synchronize the parts of the brain responsible for movement and hearing.


Dr. Nina Kraus in this lab study suggests that musical training which emphasizes rhythmical skills will exercise the auditory system.  This training then leads to a strong sound to meaning association which is a skill very important to the success not only for language development but also for learning to read. Her previous studies showed a link between reading ability and beat-keeping ability. Overall her study is one more support for the possible value of early musical training on the developing child’s brain.


As a parent of a young child, activities such as saying/singing nursery rhymes, playing repetitive clapping/patting games, or gently bouncing with rhythmical motion when singing simple songs or simple stories can greatly help with the early development of this important natural brain response.  So enjoy the interplay with your child and sing, dance, or simply move to the beat!







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This happens often, but I never really thought about it before now. On a daily basis, I receive compliments from people when I am out and about. These compliments are not for me, but rather, for my sweet, sweet girl. People always tell me what a good baby she is. They just can’t believe how calm and alert she is at her age. I always say “thank you” then move on with my day with little thought as to why.

Then, duh, I realized that in my new mom forgetfulness, I forgot to tell them about BabyPlus. Now when people comment on her relaxed personality, good sleeping and eating habits,  advanced motor skills, and focus, I remember to tell them all about my BabyPlus experience. Using BabyPlus twice a day for 24 weeks is seriously the easiest thing to do AND the rewards are unending. If you need to hear more testimonials from real parents who have seen real results, visit

Have a testimony of your own to share? Be sure to contact!

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Well Traveled


This past Christmas, my husband and I decided to take our newborn (well, 3 month old) to Florida to see her grandparents for Christmas. The idea of being in a car with an infant for 17 hours made us nervous, but we wanted them to be able to spend the holidays with her so we gave it a try.

Packing up the car to begin our journey was a bit hectic. I’d never packed so much to go on a single trip in my life. My husband and I don’t even check a bag when we go on a 2-week vacation. Anyway, we got packed and headed out on the road. As I said, I was a bit hesitant to have her in her car seat for two straight days. Well, the first day, we left around 3:00 p.m. and stopped around 7:00 p.m. to feed her and get her pj’s on. Then back in the car seat she went. We drove until after 10:00 p.m. and stopped at a hotel for the night. We got her out of the car and into her pack-and-play. Not only did she not wake up, she slept through the night.

The next day, we got on the road around 7:00 a.m. We stopped around 10:00 a.m. , 1:00 p.m. and 4:00 p.m. to feed her and get gas. Well, the 4:00 p.m. stop was also to clean up her blowout:) We arrived safely at grandma and grandpa’s house around 5:00 p.m. My husband and I couldn’t believe how well she did in the car. We brought just a few toys, which seemed to keep her well entertained. But mostly, she just slept. The drive home was pretty much the same. She is just such a calm baby!

So once again, I’ll sing praises of BabyPlus to everyone I know!

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It’s time for #TBT (Throw Back Thursday)!

I was preparing to hang some new pictures of Avalyn the other day, so I was searching through our photostream. That’s when I came across this picture and just couldn’t believe how much she had changed! I swear there are times when I put her down to bed at night and she wakes up looking like a completely different baby. It’s like she just grows leaps and bounds while she sleeps!

This photo stuck out to me because it was one we took during our first week home, so she was just a few days old. The reason why it stood out was because I couldn’t believe how alert she was. I vaguely remember taking this photo, so at the time I wasn’t aware. I have very rarely ever seen a baby this young look this alert! Again, it hit me…that’s one of the many advantages of BabyPlus. I can never sing enough praises about this prenatal education system. Interested in all the benefits it has to offer? Learn more at

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