I can’t believe it’s my last day of using lesson #4 and that I’ll be moving onto lesson #5 already! I’m just about 26 weeks now (the picture to the right is from about two weeks ago, so I’ve grown a bit since then) and time is flying by. While I’m nervous about what’s to come, changes in schedule, work/life balance, marriage, etc., I’m also excited about this new life and our precious baby girl. I can’t wait to see her face for the first time. Moreover, I can’t wait to see my husband hold our daughter and see him as a dad!
I’m also excited to see all the benefits that BabyPlus has had on our girl. I know that she’ll see the following benefits:
- More relaxed & alert at birth
- More readily nurse
- Display increased ability to self-soothe
- More interactive & responsive
If you aren’t familiar with BabyPlus, learn more at BabyPlus.com.
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The post Last Day of Lesson #4 appeared first on blog.babyplus.com.