Now, I’ve known about BabyPlus for quite a few years. And, I’ve heard all the fantastic stories of what it can do. But, each and every single day, I am amazed and in awe of my little one. During Christmas break, we went to my parents house in Florida. She did GREAT in the car, but that’s a whole other story. What she did while we were there was something I was so excited my parents could experience with us. Our little peanut rolled over (on purpose) for the very first time at just 3 /12 months old! She had rolled over once or twice before, but never on purpose. This time she was all over the place. She first rolled from her belly to her back. Then, two weeks later, my in-laws were in town and she rolled from her back to her stomach! Now, I think she just likes to show off, but she’s pretty cute when she does it!
I know that 3 1/2 months is pretty early to be rolling. It’s just one of the many ways she is “advanced” at her little age. I’m so excited to see how she keeps changing this month!
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