A Mindful Boost for Your Little One
As a modern parent, you’re always looking for ways to give your baby the best start in life. Enter BabyPlus – an innovative prenatal learning system designed to nurture your little one’s cognitive development right from the womb.
Our curriculum introduces simple patterns of developmentally “relevant” sounds into the natural prenatal environment which are built upon the only language the prenatal child understands – the maternal heartbeat. As a baby senses and compares the simple rhythmic sounds of BabyPlus to those they are already familiar with in the womb, learning and enrichment begin.
BabyPlus is very easy to use and is designed to be played just one hour each day beginning at any time between 18-32 weeks of pregnancy. A small amount of time invested with BabyPlus will provide your baby with lifetime of benefits.

BabyPlus® Prenatal
Education System®
Today’s mom knows that when it comes to providing an enriched environment for learning and intellectual development, earlier is truly better. Although your child will continue to develop cognitively into adulthood, it is through an early enriched environment that specific pathways can fine tune your child’s memory, language, cognitive development and lifelong critical thinking. A recent study published by UCLA researchers found that only 45% of the temporal lobe, the part of the brain which plays a central role in learning and memory, appears to be inherited. This shows that environmental enrichment can make a difference in your child’s foundation for learning. That’s empowering!
A baby’s prenatal brain is highly influenced by auditory experience and is capable of learning. In fact, hearing opens a whole new world of stimuli to your baby. As baby’s brain matures your little bundle of joy becomes increasingly responsive to sound. Prenatal children who experience our rhythmic patterns of sounds repeatedly learn to discriminate between these sounds, indicating attention/orienting and eventually memory. When you introduce your baby to the unique BabyPlus curriculum, a new level of response takes place. This earliest learning helps develop a stronger cognitive foundation for a lifetime.
Mission Statement
We endeavor to raise awareness about and further validate the definitive link between a child’s earliest auditory environment and its lifetime impact on cognitive development. We strive to introduce innovative products into the global market that will assist parents in their quest for legitimate and measurable enrichment of their child’s lifelong thinking and learning capabilities.
Our Vision
The BabyPlus Company strives to be a global thought leader and comprehensive resource in the arena of early auditory learning innovation. By continuing our quest to design and deliver impactful early auditory learning products to market, our goal is to fully integrate auditory enrichment into prenatal care and postnatal practice.