With the COVID-19 virus still an imminent threat, families remain cooped up in their households for protection. Though some adults have returned to their offices, the majority of kids are still attending online classes.

This is far from ideal, given that all-remote learning arrangements are contributing to children’s emotional stress. A large part of this stems from the pressure of having to keep up with their education outside of a physical classroom. Findings from

The journey of human development begins long before a baby takes its first breath. Prenatal brain development is a remarkable and complex process that lays the foundation for a lifetime of cognitive abilities, emotional well-being, and overall health. In this blog, we will explore the wonders of prenatal brain development and the critical factors that influence the formation of a baby’s brain in the womb.

The Early Stages:

Prenatal brain development begins in the earliest stages of pregnancy, even before

The Ultimate Guide to Building Your Baby’s Immune System with Breastfeeding

As a new mom, it’s common to feel a combined sense of excitement and nervousness when it comes to your baby. From the first moment you look into your little one’s eyes, there’s a feeling of concern about doing the right thing for your child. The question is, however, what are the “right” things?

With new motherhood comes a barrage of little decisions

The decision to become a mom is the choice to become the most powerful person in a child’s life and is beyond calculation. It’s carrying and caring for a life that’s completely relying on mom not only for survival, but to uplift them and to, among other things, teach them the hard rules of life. Being a mother is also the most challenging and rewarding relationship a woman will ever have. 

Millennial dads are redefining fatherhood. Their progressive beliefs and behaviors—seemingly more prevalent than in prior generations—are shattering the tired media stereotype of the disconnected dad.

In ages past, the typical father would come home from work, read the newspaper, and remain relatively disconnected from his children. His breadwinning and rule making made