How to Make Your Home a Conducive Learning Environment

With the COVID-19 virus still an imminent threat, families remain cooped up in their households for protection. Though some adults have returned to their offices, the majority of kids are still attending online classes.

This is far from ideal, given that all-remote learning arrangements are contributing to children’s emotional stress. A large part of this stems from the pressure of having to keep up with their education outside of a physical classroom. Findings from the CDC even show that the number of mental health-related visits to the emergency room increased by nearly 28% for children between the ages of 5 and 17.

As difficult as things might seem, there are small changes parents can make to prepare for better learning at home. Creating a conducive learning environment for your child is sometimes easier said than done. Depending on what you already have, it can set you back a few hundred dollars — maybe even a few thousand if you want to go all out. One family in New York spent $1,300 on their first grader’s basic home learning setup, which included a tablet, a desk, and writing materials.

You might also consider turning an underutilized space or room in the house into a dedicated learning space for your children. The benefit of this is that it can easily be switched up to a home office and ensure the room is available for studying and work even after in-person learning resumes. To save money, shop for secondhand furniture or electronics. Alternatively, you can buy school supplies in bulk. Regardless of how you choose to design a home learning setup, your child’s education will be well worth the investment.

Tips for building a conducive learning environment

Once you’ve either cleared out a space or renovated a room, you can start planning the necessary adjustments to make your home a great space for learning. Here are a few pointers to keep in mind:

Establish a designated work area

Providing your child with a physical space to attend class and do their homework lets them know that you value their education. It also lets them create a more stable routine, which is important for children to stay disciplined and on track with their learning. If possible, choose a space other than the dining table or their room. This makes your kids associate the space with learning, and not eating or sleeping.

Ensure that your child’s desk and seat are comfortable

With remote learning arrangements, your child will be to be sitting in front of a screen for long periods of time. To turn this into a more positive experience, consider investing in a desk and chair combination that is ergonomic and properly fitting. This not only makes the space more comfortable, but also ensures good posture.

Invest in storage solutions

General clutter and disorderly spaces may actually serve as distractions for your child, making it difficult for them to focus. Additionally, cluttered surroundings can negatively affect cognition. For instance, a messy room can lead to stress for both you and your kids. Worse yet, a cluttered environment could leave you and your child scrambling to find basic household objects. Investing in storage containers for the kids’ educational materials can lessen clutter and reduce stress. Clearly marked storage bins and containers can also offer children the opportunity to be responsible for their own belongings. The daily ritual of returning books, crayons, pencils to their designated spot not only teaches children organization and self-discipline but offers them a feeling of control and self-efficacy. The lifelong message to the child is that in times of stress and rapid change, such as a pandemic, I can still maintain control of my own environment in order to affect a positive outcome. The most challenging situations can offer your child unique opportunities to hone better critical thinking skills and promote better executive functioning for life.

Consider building a library corner

Putting up some extra bookshelves can encourage your child to continue learning during designated free time. Consider adding beanbags and mats around the bookshelves to create a child-friendly reading hub. Several university based studies have found that homes with 80 or more books promoted reading and math skills. This is because being surrounded by stimulating age appropriate reading material creates a fertile ground for learning, ultimately improving your child’s cognitive competencies.

Just as adults need a designated remote workspace, children, too, should have their own dedicated space to learn. Making these changes at home can ensure your child has the best possible chance of of optimal learning in a less than optimal situation.

Caitlin Slater for

5 Perks of Becoming a BabyPlus Mom Ambassador

At BabyPlus, we have huge community of parents who know the joys of having a BabyPlus child. In fact, we receive pictures and stories about BabyPlus children every single day.

We love reading about how BabyPlus babies are more readily to nurse and develop great sleep patterns. It’s rewarding to hear parents share how their toddlers hit developmental milestones earlier and exhibit improved school readiness.

We love reading about how BabyPlus babies are more readily to nurse and develop great sleep patterns. It’s rewarding to hear parents share how their toddlers hit developmental milestones earlier and exhibit improved school readiness.

We even hear from parents of high school students who firmly believe BabyPlus helped their children have intellectual, developmental, creative, and emotional advantages from the time they were born to now!

To maximize this incredible group of parents and their voice, we’ve decided to create the BabyPlus Mom Ambassador Program.

Why should you join us esteemed network of women? Here are 5 reasons:

    1. Vote on product innovations. Feedback from our parents is critical to our success. By becoming a BabyPlus Mom Ambassador, you will have exclusive insights into all BabyPlus product innovations. You’ll be the first to see, test, and hear about our latest products!
    2. Participate in studies around the world. Prenatal auditory learning is a popular research today. Harvard Medical and other research organizations are digging into how babies learn from within the womb. Based on your passion and experience, you are a perfect candidate to share your opinion and stories in these studies.
    3. Provide your feedback and stories. To help spread awareness and excitement about BabyPlus, we invite BabyPlus Mom Ambassadors to tell their story. We will equip our Mom Ambassadors with the right tools, format, and platform to educate the world about the advantages of BabyPlus.
    4. Connect with a large community. BabyPlus parents are part of an esteemed-network that have a passion for giving their children a better start. As a BabyPlus Mom Ambassador, you will serve as a sounding board in our quest to provide expectant and new parents with the best products for early auditory enrichment. You will also be among scientists, educators, and professionals who all agree that enriching conditions of the prenatal environment will positively impact the long-term development of a child.
    5. Chance to receive bonuses and gift cards. As a way of saying thank you, we will regularly reward our BabyPlus Mom Ambassadors! Our valued ambassadors will be eligible for Family and Friends pricing on all BabyPlus purchases in the future.

Most importantly, you will have a unique opportunity to make a difference in the lives of others. If you would like to join us as BabyPlus Ambassador – sign up today!


Thank you for supporting the BabyPlus brand and mission. You don’t want to miss what we come up with next.

Inspiring Your Baby To Learn (Even Before Birth)

Written by BabyPlus mom Janine Snyder

Life is easier when you have a love for learning. You have the ability to succeed and achieve in school, at work and even athletically and socially. This is not a unique concept and that is why parents start thinking about how to inspire a love of learning in their children, sometimes even before birth. I am guilty of buying devices and spending time talking, reading and playing varying heartbeats to my first born in utero. As I am working on conceiving my second, I have thought about all of the ways that I have tried to foster this love of learning in my first and I wanted to share them as I am knee deep in heartbeats and hand me downs.

During my pregnancy

When I was a first-time mom, I wanted to be involved and give my baby every advantage. I thought I would have to wait until my little guy was born, but I was stoked to learn that I could start interacting with him in utero. One of the ways I helped to foster his love for learning was by using the BabyPlus Prenatal Education System. Your baby listens to varying heartbeats, beginning when you are 18 weeks pregnant, on a schedule. With all of the ways that BabyPlus is said to give your baby a head start, I can attest to the fact that my son was alert at birth, interactive, hits his milestones early and is a straight up genius (according to my mother).

Another thing I did for my baby in utero was to speak to him, softly and soothingly, into a microphone that was attached to a little speaker on my belly. I read to him, sang to him and played classical music. I’m not sure if any of this helped, but it made me feel involved and connected to him.

After birth

When my son was born, I continued reading, singing and listening to music with him. Sometimes we would listen to music in French and Spanish. I had heard that listening to music in another language would make it easier for him to learn languages as he got older. He was also exposed to a lot of young men and women from different countries. As an ambassador for cultural exchange through the Au Pair program, I spend time supporting Au Pairs that are caring for children in the US. A lot of them are bilingual and even trilingual and I had always encouraged them to speak to my son in another language. You could see that his eyes would get wider and he would move around a lot when they spoke to him. He enjoyed hearing these new languages and accents. I had seen Host Kids of the Au Pairs easily picking up a second language while in their care and I hoped that some of it would rub off on my little guy.

Another language that I was able to teach him myself was sign language. The benefit was that he could communicate a few words before he was even able to speak. I believe it also helped him learn to speak faster as he realized that he could make me understand his needs with a single word. He started speaking in full sentences at an early age and at two, he his constantly talking and is really very funny!

As he grows

Some ways that I have encouraged him to learn from very early in his life and continue to do so is by singing the same educational songs frequently. Right now, we sing the alphabet, the days of the week and the months in the year. I sang these songs to him at every bath and continue to do so. Most of the time, he sings them by himself now, but every so often, he lets me sing along with him. Next, we will be working on the 50 states and their capitals and the US presidents.

My son has also been exposed to older children that he plays with regularly. While he does have friends his own age, I see a lot of development when he plays with children that are a little older. The older children are able to help him work through social situations that he doesn’t know how to handle yet and they encourage him to use different words and play games. He has certainly picked up some the older kid attitude, but the benefits outweigh this humorous, sometimes frustrating, trait.

Lastly, I let him watch TV. I know that some people feel that this would have the opposite effect, it has actually encouraged him to learn about things neither of us knew he would be interested in and has taught him a lot about math, language and social skills.

As I think back on the past few years and the years to come, I wonder if any of these things will have a great impact on him when he gets into the school-aged years and into adulthood. I’m not sure there is a way to know for sure, but I do know that being involved and connecting with my kid will always be beneficial for him and for me too.

Janine Snyder is a wife, mom, stepmom and ambassador for the cultural exchange program. She supports parents and nannies from all over the world and enjoys writing about their experiences as well as her own. She lives with her family in New Jersey and enjoys moving around her furniture.

Are You Raising Creative Kids?

When we think of characteristics of creative people we often think of the idealized version of an artist or musician.

Although these can be examples of obvious creativity, it’s the characteristics of the highly creative that matter in shaping of our lives over time.

Adobe conducted State of Create survey among a group of 5,000 adults. Interestingly enough, Japan and the U.S. are the first- and second-most creative countries, respectively, among a global audience. Around the globe, more than half of Adobe’s respondents said creativity is being stamped out rather than nourished by the education system. “One of the myths of creativity is that very few people are really creative.” Sir Ken Robinson, Ph.D. Many experts feel that one of the problems is that too often educational systems don’t enable students to develop their natural creative powers. Most schools instead promote uniformity and standardization.


It is by asking questions, wondering and being curious that creative people come up with spontaneous ideas. Rather than simply collecting information, creative brains play with it. This can’t happen in an environment of extreme structure and rigidity that lack brain stimulation. In fact, most studies show that creativity is about using both sides of the brain to solve problems. The highly creative child does not focus on left or right brain but instead relies on both to begin divergent thinking.

So how do you raise creative children? First, suspend the idea that creativity is inherited. While creativity is inherent in every human being, parents can nurture and strengthen a child’s creative abilities:

  1. Provide children an enriched environment early on. Products like BabyPlus Prenatal Education System® can provide baby with an appropriate environment for positive prenatal cognitive development.
  2. Provide unconstructed playtime. Resist the temptation to overschedule your child with activities.
  3. Get outside! Children often find the outdoors as a source of inspiration even from the stroller.
  4. Look for preschools which encourage creativity and allow for contemplation of abstract ideas.

Your child has the capacity to be creative. It’s empowering when you understand just how important your role as a parent can truly be!

“The brain can be developed just as a set of muscles.” ~ Thomas Edison