Empowering Cognitive Development During Pregnancy

Cognitive Development

While it is generally understood that the architecture of the human brain is driven by strong genetic influences, many expectant parents are unaware that research has recently revealed these genetic influences are silenced late in pregnancy. More specifically, during the third trimester, environmental factors influence the final phases of prenatal and early postnatal brain development.

How Environmental Factors Influence Development

Your baby’s cognitive development is a complex and orchestrated process that sets the framework for learning and behavior for life. It’s empowering as a parent to know you have access to a safe and effective early intervention tool that uses a series of alpha rhythmic and decibel-controlled sounds to spark creativity and early learning during one of the most impactful times of development.

Prenatal Sounds

Prenatal Environment

Why Early Intervention Matters

Over the past decades, the plasticity and capacity for adaptation of the human brain have been well documented, offering considerable potential for optimizing outcomes. Noninvasive, time-tested products like The BabyPlus Prenatal Education System® give expectant parents an opportunity to make the most of this precious time. Researchers think that the memory of sounds (‘auditory learning’) starts developing from 27 weeks of pregnancy, helping to lay the foundation for lifelong learning and emotional well-being.

Learn More

Parents who use prenatal education systems often notice improvements in their children’s problem-solving abilities, adaptability, and emotional stability later in life. By “tuning” your baby’s brain rhythms early on, you can promote an environment that supports focus, calmness, and cognitive growth.

“It’s not the cause of the stress, but how the person handles it that matters,” said Catherine Monk, professor of medical psychology at Columbia University. Stress management through mindfulness, therapeutic sounds, and other practices can help pregnant women lower stress and anxiety.

As an expectant mom, it is easy to feel overwhelmed and even helpless at times. It’s empowering to know that simple changes in your daily routine can yield big gains for you and your baby. Recognizing your importance as a caregiver during pregnancy can foster bonding with your baby and empower you throughout the birthing journey and beyond.

Bonding with Baby

Now I Understand



I’ve always known people have used BabyPlus and have believed faithfully in this product. But, it wasn’t until I actually had one of my own that I could really understand how amazing it really is. Of course, I saw my fellow BabyPlus mammas and their little ones and the difference it made. I heard the rave reviews about how their children learned to walk, talk and read much earlier than other babies their age. But, then I had Avalyn and actually got to see it for myself!

I was recently on the BabyPlus testimony page of the website and noticed that one mom had written this:

Over the weeks and months to come everywhere we went people always commented on how alert and attentive she was – parents, doctors, nurses – everyone. Our daughter began “cruising” as they call it at 7 1/2 months and by 8 1/2 months was completely walking. She has reached all of her developmental and motor milestones on an average of 3 months earlier than expected and always a lot sooner than her peers.

I have seen the exact same results from my daughter and am looking forward to her walking (although I know it means constant running around for me). I can’t even imagine her being able to read but know that will be here before I know it. If you haven’t purchased your BabyPlus system, do it! I can promise that you won’t regret it!

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An Easy Baby Thanks To Babyplus

I feel bad even admitting this to most moms, but I truly do have the easiest baby in the world. And, I credit that to

BabyPlus. Sure, my husband and I are both really laid back, but I don’t believe I’d have such a good, calm, happy and alert baby without BabyPlus!

She is currently 14 weeks old (I can’t believe how the time flies) and she’s been a breeze so far! Not only is she incredibly adorable, but she is one of the most easy going babies I have ever been around. For those of you who aren’t familiar with BabyPlus, it is a patented education system shown to strengthen your baby’s cognitive development in many ways. With BabyPlus, your baby simply learns to differentiate between two natural sounds. It’s tailored to the prenatal developmental stages, leading to so many lifelong benefits!

Here are a few benefits of BabyPlus:

  •     More relaxed & alert at birth
  •     More readily nurse
  •     Display increased ability to self-soothe
  •     Are more interactive & responsive

Did I also mention that she could take a pacifier at 2 weeks old and keep it in. Plus, it didn’t affect her nursing at all. Thank you, BabyPlus!



Sleepy Avalyn



Alert Avalyn

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A Great Sleeper

ow I know that I’ve commented on this a few times, but I really cannot say it enough…thanks to BabyPlus, I have the best sleeper. My husband and I are pretty laid back people (although I do have my moments), but our daughter is a better sleeper than we could have ever imagined.

I used BabyPlus up until my due date. My daughter was 3 1/2 weeks early, so I was a little worried about not getting in the last two lessons of BabyPlus. However, that didn’t seem to have any negative effect. At 8 weeks, she started sleeping through the night (8-13 hours depending) and she’s still doing it at 13 weeks! I have friends that have 2-year-olds that don’t even sleep that long. Additionally, she will sleep anywhere and everywhere and doesn’t seem bothered by surroundings or noise.

From our first night at home, we put her in her crib in her own room. She didn’t seem to phased by it, so we kept that pattern. BabyPlus along with a book we read, Healthy Sleep Habits, Happy Child: A Step-by-Step Program for a Good Night’s Sleepby Marc Weissbluth, we feel that we’ve given our daughter the best start possible.

To see what else BabyPlus can do for you, visit babyplus.com.


First Photo Shoot

Okay, so there really isn’t much to share here except the cuteness of my child. Now I know every mom thinks their baby is the cutest thing in the world, and I’m no exception. I will say that I am already so proud of my little girl in so many ways. She brings such happiness to so many people and it’s incredible to see! Here’s a few pictures from her first photo shoot, I hope they make you smile too! I’m one happy BabyPlus momma!

first-photo-shoot1 first-photo-shoot2 first-photo-shoot3

Her First Moments


The first hour of your child’s life is a blur, yet the world also seems to completely stop in its tracks. I’ll never forget the first moments of my daughter’s life. I remember just being grateful to be done pushing, but also seeing Avalyn for the first time was unreal. I immediately looked and her and then looked at my husband. He was so proud and his eyes were filled with joyful tears. It was the best moment of my life (next to marrying him, of course).


The hospital I delivered at, Community North in Indianapolis, requires an hour of skin-to-skin time, which was a huge blessing. After holding her, they cleaned her up and weighed her very quickly, then brought her over. Since I decided to nurse, they had be feed her within the first half hour of her life. And, she latched on right away. Never having done it before, I didn’t really know what I was doing, but my little bundle of joy led the way. The doctor and nurses couldn’t get over how quickly she latched on and how alert she was right at birth. I attribute this to BabyPlus. While I missed the last two lessons because Avalyn was 23 days early, I know that BabyPlus helped to make her the wonderful baby she is.


Not only was she alert and latching right away, the doctor was also impressed with her next control and strength at her one week appointment! She was already hitting milestones much earlier than many babies that are a few weeks older than her. Since she was so early, they told me that she could have a few minor delays, but on the contrary, she was already ahead. I love BabyPlus and would recommend it to all of my friends. She is a great eater, great sleeper, super laid back and a very happy BabyPlus baby!

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Finished Lesson #9


The picture above shows me finishing up lesson #9! I’ve already started on lesson #10 and seem to breezing through that one too. It is just amazing to know how fast time is going by. I have around 2 months left and it seems like she will be here before we know it.

Many of my friends have seen me using BabyPlus and have asked what it is and why I’m using. I let them know that BabyPlusis a series of audio lessons that are specifically tailored to every stage of infant growth in the womb. These lessons consist of natural sounds similar to the comforting rhythm of the mother’s heartbeat. As your child grows during the prenatal development stages, the lessons also change slightly and evolve. Basically, it’s a great way to give your baby a head start. I also let them know about the benefits:

BabyPlus® parents report babies at birth and infancy:

  •     Are more relaxed & alert at birth
  •     More readily nurse
  •     Display increased ability to self-soothe
  •     Are more interactive & responsive

And later in life demonstrate:

  •     Earlier developmental milestones
  •     Longer attention spans
  •     Improved school readiness
  •     Strong learning skills

Have questions? Email us at customerservice@babyplus.com or leave a comment below.

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Lesson #8


I just finished lesson #8 last week and am already on lesson #9. It is exciting, and nerve-wrecking, to see how fast the time is going by. I feel like the second half of this pregnancy is going much faster than the first half. For anyone out there who has not shared their news yet, it seems like that was the longest part of my pregnancy. After 20 weeks, time has just flown so fasten your seat belts and get ready for time to fly! If you take a look back at some of my past posts, you can see this how this incredible journey has gone for me so far.

I feel great and am so thankful for such a healthy pregnancy. I’m also grateful for all the benefits my baby girl is receiving from BabyPlus including:

  •     Are more relaxed & alert at birth
  •     More readily nurse
  •     Display increased ability to self-soothe
  •     Are more interactive & responsive

If you have questions, feel free to leave a comment or send me an email.

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Lesson #7

Last week, I finished lesson #7 of BabyPlus and am already flying through lesson #8. It’s amazing to see how much bigger I’m getting each week. A few things I’ve noticed while using BabyPlus over the last few weeks:

  • It just gets more soothing with each use. In fact, it almost puts me to sleep each time.
  • My baby girl loves it! Besides walking and consuming cold foods or beverages, this is something that gets her excited and on the move. It’s so fun to feel her move around when wearing BabyPlus!
  • The cat might like it even more than the baby…as you can see from this picture. The second he sees me start to put it on, he’s on my lap ready to begin!

I’ll keep you posted as I approach the half way mark with my lessons! Have questions about my experience or just want to know more? Feel free to leave a comment or email me!

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Last Day Of Lesson #4


I can’t believe it’s my last day of using lesson #4 and that I’ll be moving onto lesson #5 already! I’m just about 26 weeks now (the picture to the right is from about two weeks ago, so I’ve grown a bit since then) and time is flying by. While I’m nervous about what’s to come, changes in schedule, work/life balance, marriage, etc., I’m also excited about this new life and our precious baby girl. I can’t wait to see her face for the first time. Moreover, I can’t wait to see my husband hold our daughter and see him as a dad!

I’m also excited to see all the benefits that BabyPlus has had on our girl. I know that she’ll see the following benefits:

  • More relaxed & alert at birth
  • More readily nurse
  • Display increased ability to self-soothe
  • More interactive & responsive

If you aren’t familiar with BabyPlus, learn more at BabyPlus.com.

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